David & Alex Stava arrived for the Full Moon period August 1st. We planed to only night fish and fish late. The first night the weather was perfect. There was a good southwest wind and on and off showers. We fished hard and blew through all our bait by midnight! We caught 40+ Smallmouth and Walleye! The fish wanted nightcrawlers and not leaches.
The second night we boated five Walleyes in the first 10 minutes of fishing. The wind was blowing and the fish were on from the start. David made sure we had enough bait. But we still blew through 10 dozen crawlers and caught 50+ fish! The largest was caught at 12:38 am (time stamp on photo) David's 22 inch Smallmouth was a monster! He released after photo. It was the largest but we caught several huge bass and lots of nice Walleyes. We kept a 9 fish limit of Walleyes, all the Bass were released. We fished until 2:30 am.
The last night a cold front came in and we struggled to catch 20 fish. Still not terrible. All in all we had over 100 fish in three nights of fishing. One of the best night bites in years.
The whole summer was consistant with both bass and Walleye but this was an exceptional week. The perfect storm of season, weather & moon phase, the late summer peak came early.